Sunday, June 7, 2009

Whats been going on

4Henson crew at Taste
Amber and I

Carpool buddies!

Some of the 4 Henson girls having a good time.

Dex and I being silly

Our beautiful peonies

The bride and groom driving off in their fancy Ford.

Mindy and Josh

Okay so I put 2 on here but can't figure out how to take one back.

P getting down at soccer. Notice the orange shoe laces.

My soccer man

Hanging out with E and gabby enjoying some presents.

Dex, Cruz and Dad.

P checking out his new bike

I was inspired at work by my friend Kelly. My first skateboard cake!

Some of the kids hanging out at the park.

The fish that got saved by Daddy

Ms. Sherri and P

P is in front with his hand in his pockets.

It has been awhile since I have updated, we have had such a busy month that there seems to be no time to do anything. We have been enjoying the great weather the spring has brought. We have gone to the park, been fishing several times and enjoyed many birthday parties during the month of May.
Preston is now the king fisherman. I think he has caught more fish than Dexter this year. We don't know what it is but every time that kid throws his line into the water he either gets a bite or catches something. Last week we took the kids out to Smithville Lake, Preston was so anxious to start fishing that Dex gave him his pole really quick while he set up my pole. P immediately showed off his casting skills and landed the bobber in the water. Seriously 2 second later the bobber was under and P was screaming and reeling his line in. About half way to shore, the line broke, the next thing I know Dex jumped into the lake, grabbed the line and started to pull the fish in by hand. What a great Dad to jump in and save the fish all to make his son happy. We both knew that if that fish wouldn't have come back with us that we would never hear the end of it. Dad saved the day!
Preston had his end of the year program, it was bitter sweet for us. This should have been his preschool graduation but we have decided to hold him back a year. There are days that I am confident with our decision but there are days that I doubt it. I have gotten alot of feed back from people, including our friends that are teachers, Preston preschool teacher and other parents and they all agree with holding him. I pray that we DID make the right decision and hope it will benefit him in the long run. The program was great, they performed some of the funniest songs. My friend Amber and her new baby Evan even joined to watch.
We celebrated Preston's 5th birthday on Memorial day. Dex and I bought Preston the coolest orange bike. He loved it. Let me tell you if you buy that kid anything orange it will be a hit. We went to the K with our family. Preston had a fantastic time tale gating but when it came down to the game, the Royals were loosing and the crowd just wasn't into it. It is sad, if you ask Preston how the Royals game was he will tell you "boring".
Preston just finished soccer academy for the spring. I was such a proud mother when the coach came to ask if Preston would like to play for the club's team. I tried to explain to P how proud of him I was and what it meant but he just didn't get it. He was just excited to be on coach Ashley's team. It is so funny to see the innocence in kids, no pressure-no worries. To them its not about working hard and winning but just about having fun. There are 2 sets of try-outs June 13th and June 17th. The coach said that for the little kids it really isn't a try out, they don't cut anyone because they do it by invitation only. I guess they look at the kids skill and put together 2 teams. I am proud of him and on my way to becoming a soccer mom! HAHA!
Ethan has been dealing with horrible allergies since we went to Branson in April. I felt like a horrible mother because for the longest time I wasn't doing anything about it. E is very laid back and doesn't complain about anything so it made it really easy for me not to do anything about it. He probably went 2 weeks with swollen itchy eyes and constant sneezing before we took him to the Doctor. Our pediatrician recommended Zyrtec every night, eye drops 2 times a day and a hepafilter for the house. This is our new routine at home and it has worked quite well.
Last night we attended Mindy and Josh's wedding. Mindy looked beautiful, her shoes were hot pink and she had the prettiest peonies. We had a great time, although I think we drove around for about 2 hours getting lost between the wedding and reception. One minute we were in Kansas looking for a Walgreens and the next we were on the Plaza. I was driving with Amber in the front and the guys were in the back--you know how that is when you have backseat drivers (especially men who think they are the best drivers in the world). Well I lost my driving privileges pretty quickly, I guess I was tailgating and stopping too late--whatever I was driving just fine--Amber wasn't scared. It was the funniest thing ever because later on in the evening our friend Amandas' husband Chuck was telling us about how Amanda drives saying everything the guys were telling me about my driving. I guess it is another one of those man vs women things. The reception was a blast!!! The 4 Henson crew boogied down with the band and even a little Michael Jackson--O'yeah and don't forget "I like big butts".
I have been so proud of my husband. He has started his own little painting business up. He finished his first house last week, working on his second and has 3 more bids out on other houses. We hope to get our business licence by the end of the month. Painting is something that is low in cost to start up and something that everyone eventually needs done. We have began networking through different people and it is quite exciting. So I must pimp him--if you need any kind of exterior or interior painting job done or even a small landscaping job-- please get our number and give him a shot at a bid.
The month of June is another full one for us. I am making it a goal to update more frequently this time.